Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy Birthday BAVA

PEOPLE we must 'zi dong zi fa' today is BAVA birthday so lets wish her a happy birthday!

Thats the arrangement for BP day currently:) Maybe u can click or save for bigger image. Spend a long time doing it!!! And by the way remember to do homework yeah~ Revise EL grammar Noun and Adjectives next week have test.
#07 here,

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Happy birthday to Gin Hao

Happy Birthday to GIN HAO!!!

People rmb to bring your Reading Sense tmr as we are having a comprehension test again -.-''
Math Grp1 there's math ex 6.3

Tmr TT would be: Geog, PE, IPW, MT, EL, Assembly!

RMB to wear PE!!!

signing off #07,

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Homework and TT for monday(28March2011)

IPW-due on Monday
EL Reading Sense-due on Monday
CL chinese compo-due on Monday
Math Grp1, Ex 3.5-due on Monday

EL, Physics, MT, Math, PE, Read EL.

#07, good night people:) Sweetdreams

Friday, February 25, 2011


SO, once again, its DEAD.
People !
If you wanna post anything, do find me for the email & password. I will be telling the class EXCOs the E & P. :)

Best of luck for your CT results !

Be happyyyyyyy :D

Lots of love, #12

Saturday, January 29, 2011


OK I know we are late for one day but who cares.

So it was #18's birthday.


Well, nobody really told me only found out on FaceBook :P


Ok, #12 is leaving. Bye. :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Besides FB, we will be using this to update on events happening/ classmates birthday/ homework etc. Do visit always. :)

The 17 girls and 25 boys.
#01: Aw Yong Zi Ying
#02: Bavaneswari
#03: Chong Jia Qi
#04: Eng Wei Ling
#05: Erica Oh Shi Ting
#06: Grace Chia Lian Xiang
#07: Heather Chew Mei Fang
#08: Lai Gou Yue, Debbie
#09: Lim Xin Yun Hazel
#10: Ng Shi Qing
#11: Ng Wen Yi
#12: Nurma Inarah Ismail
#13: Pang Liu Ying
#14: Tan Jia Yu
#15: Toh Ethel
#16: Toh Joey
#17: Wong Jia Xin
#18: Ahmad Syahmi B Sujak
#19: Augustine Yeo Ting Jia
#20: Chan Xi Wei, Amos
#21: Cheong Gin Hao
#22: Chiew Teng
#23: Chong Zhi Xiang Dino
#24: Chua Chryston
#25: Clive Ng Yi Jie
#26: David Ho Guo Hao
#27: Edmund Lee Joon Wei
#28: Felix Phua Wei Jie
#29: Jackson Low Jie Sheng
#30: Jeremy Lorenzo Roch
#31: Lim Yi Siang
#32: Malvin Tok You Quan
#33: Mohamed Asri Asrul
#34: Muhammad Nazhan
#35: Naguib Hardie
#36: Sujata Lim Kian Ee
#37: Teo Jing Sheng
#38: Teo Kai Jie
#39: Terence Teh Han Yuan
#40: -
#41: Wong Jiong Wei
#42: Yeo Ming Han, Joel
#43: Yusuf Haiqal B Yunos

#12, Nights people. (: